Lyme Disease
If there
were a one-word synonym for lyme disease it would be
inflammation. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in high quantity is the most powerful
natural anti-inflammatory agent there is. At saturation levels, ascorbate is
therapeutically equivalent to, but is greatly safer than, antibiotics, or asprin, or corticosteroids (Prednisone-like)
Thomas E. Levy, MD, writes:
"A young woman in Pennsylvania was bitten by a pathogen-carrying tick, developed the classical Lyme-associated rash,
and proceeded to get very ill over the next seven to ten days. She received several infusions of vitamin C at her house. The first infusion was 100 grams (100,000 mg), and her caregiver reported that she seemed much improved upon the completion of that infusion. Five more infusions of 50 grams each were given over the next two days. By the time that 72 hours had passed, she was completely well, never having a clinical relapse or any chronic Lyme symptoms.
"A woman with a 12-year history of chronic Lyme disease, documented by blood testing, desired having regular and prolonged high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy for her condition. Under the aegis of a prescribing physician who had attended
one of my presentations of vitamin C, a nurse practitioner was able to give the patient what she wished. This individual had already been taking liposome-encapsulated vitamin C and glutathione orally without a significant improvement in her condition. On four consecutive days, she received infusions of 25, 50, 75, and then 100 grams of vitamin C. Then, for 19 more days, she received 5 or 6 infusions weekly of 100 grams of vitamin C in each infusion. Until day 23, she felt noimprovement. However, she was determined to continue in spite of the lack of improvement and the increasing expense of the whole process. On day 23, the nurse practitioner reported that she looked like a new person, and that it was like a “switch was flipped” and she was well. At her request, the patient received another week of 100 gram daily infusions to be sure her condition was truly resolved, a very good idea on her part. About a month later, her Lyme blood testing was completely negative.
"A physician reported to me similar experiences with a series of Lyme patients, who showed no positive clinical response after an extended number of vitamin C infusions, then had a dramatic, abrupt clinical resolution of their condition, very much as described above."
[ ]
Details of vitamin C dosage and administration, written by
medical doctors, will be found at
“Please consider putting in a plug for the homeopathic remedy, Ledum. Ledum in the 1M potency
is almost a specific for Lyme disease. I use it in
my own practice and have several cures of Lyme
disease with it. (I am a homeopath.)
“R. F., M.D.”
Dr. R. F. (definitely not his real
initials) is yet another natural-minded physician who is likely to lose his
medical license if State “health” authorities find out that
he’s successfully treating inflammation without antibiotic drugs. Do
not be fooled: the well-entrenched politically powerful pharmaceutical cartel
is STILL trying to squash alternative health care wherever it can. The way
out is for you to search and see for yourself.
More on homeopathy:
A site search from the main page
of the website will bring up additional information
for you.
Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE
YOUR DOCTOR! How to be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at

Andrew W. Saul
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way
offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness,
infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or
alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's
acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons
needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your
doctor before making any health decision.
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